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The Mutiny Manifesto

On the 28th of July 2024 The Youth of Stroud gathered, for the first time in living memory, to discuss and organise ourselves -this Manifesto is the outcome of those 7 hours.

A day of discussion and disagreement, of voting and compromise from the group of 35 young people present - watch the recap video here! - It is a collection of ideas, issues and actions that we are going to organise ourselves around. These are ambitious points, to succeed we will need our whole community behind us!

 It is also not meant to be a comprehensive list of the problems facing Stroud or the World, they are what came up from this Assembly and if you're itching to contribute you better Get Involved and along to the next one - scroll on to learn how!

Get involved - join the mutiny crew


As a generation we all know things need to change but what and where to start? When we're isolated and don't have space to come together - to learn from each other and work out the real problems - its really hard to get moving to solve them - and the truth is the system wants us powerless like this...


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Through holding our first Mutiny assembly at the end of July, we united the young people of Stroud, and the youth have spoken! We have collectively identified some of the main problems we face - which are outlined in our Youth Manifesto - and now we need to solve them, which is where you come in! There are loads of things to do for Youth and Olders alike - follow the steps below:

Follow the Insta



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(over 25)

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Click here to sign the Declaration of Support to show you back the Youth + its got all the info for how best to get involved!

Come along to one of our Open Sessions to learn more about Mutiny and what teams there are to join - check the list below!

  • The How and Why of Assemblies - RYSE Workshop for Mutiny
    The How and Why of Assemblies - RYSE Workshop for Mutiny
    Multiple Dates
    Tue, 17 Sept
    Zoom - link in sign up email!
    17 Sept 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
    Zoom - link in sign up email!
    17 Sept 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
    Zoom - link in sign up email!
    We're organising our Mutiny around Assemblies - but no, not the sit-in-rows, listen-to-the-teacher, sing-hymns-until-you-die-of-boredom kind of Assembly... These are the change-the-world, build-community-from-the-ground-up-and-kick-ass kind of Assemblies! For 13-25 year olds only - see you there!
  • Imperialism: how does it relate to us? - RYSE Workshop for Mutiny
    Imperialism: how does it relate to us? - RYSE Workshop for Mutiny
    Multiple Dates
    Thu, 19 Sept
    Trinity Rooms
    19 Sept 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
    Trinity Rooms, Stroud GL5 2HZ, UK
    19 Sept 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
    Trinity Rooms, Stroud GL5 2HZ, UK
    So with Mutiny what are we really up against? Well in short: Imperialism - a world system of domination so violent and exploiting that its literally killing life on Earth... this one won't be all smiles but it'll help this mad world actually make sense! For 13-25 year olds only - see you there!
  • Direct Action and Theories of Change - RYSE Workshop for Mutiny
    Direct Action and Theories of Change - RYSE Workshop for Mutiny
    Multiple Dates
    Tue, 24 Sept
    Stroud - exact location TBD, will email!
    24 Sept 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
    Stroud - exact location TBD, will email!, Stroud GL5 2HZ, UK
    24 Sept 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
    Stroud - exact location TBD, will email!, Stroud GL5 2HZ, UK
    So how does change actually happen? Well the simple answer is in many many ways and luckily there is loads we can learn from how folks have made change in the past - so join us to start exploring the powerful world of Movement Theory! For 13-25 year olds only - see you there!
  • How to be a Good Older! - RYSE Workshop for Mutiny
    How to be a Good Older! - RYSE Workshop for Mutiny
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, 25 Sept
    TBD but in Stroud Center or <10mins walk
    25 Sept 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
    TBD but in Stroud Center or <10mins walk, Stroud GL5 2HZ, UK
    25 Sept 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
    TBD but in Stroud Center or <10mins walk, Stroud GL5 2HZ, UK
    We love organising across generations, but like all power dynamics it comes with its challenges. Join us to unpack the joys, challenges and hopeful future of intergenerational organising in Stroud! For all ages (obviously!)
  • We are all Crew: the Culture of Mutiny - RYSE Workshop for Mutiny
    We are all Crew: the Culture of Mutiny - RYSE Workshop for Mutiny
    Multiple Dates
    Fri, 27 Sept
    Trinity Rooms
    27 Sept 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
    Trinity Rooms, Stroud GL5 2HZ, UK
    27 Sept 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
    Trinity Rooms, Stroud GL5 2HZ, UK
    We're organising our Mutiny as a Crew and that means we look out for each other. That we ask each other to be brave, to work to be powerful and lots more - this session is all about the ways we're building a new culture and way of being - AKA Crew Culture! For 13-25 year olds only - see you there!
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Why an assembly?

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Lots of people in Stroud's past have assembled and done powerful shit - bits in white!

Coming together as a comunity to solve our problems isn't new - its how people in Stroud will have always done it till the 'so-called leaders' told us that we should leave the decisions to them... well where has that got us?!?

But there's still lots of things that need fighting - bits in black!

And its not complicated - there are loads of models we're learning from: citizens assemblies, peoples assemblies, student assemblies, etc. - and we're learning as we go, look we've already started with our first Assembly on July 28th:

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Click to zoom!

Check out this awesome Recap of the first Mutiny Assembly from our Aurelia, Uma and Roma to hear all about how the day went, what was discussed, whats next and what they learnt for next time around!

As they say in the video the main reason for the Assembly is to come together and actually work out what we want as the Youth of Stroud - which is what the Mutiny Manifesto is all about - its our list of the key things we want to change and will be updated with each Full Assembly - so if you haven't yet, give it a read!


But of course the work isn't just in the Assemblies or writing up the ideas - the work is in making them real. So between each Assembly we'll have an Action Learning phase where we get organised to deliver the Manifesto points through campaigns, working with Olders, direct action and a million other methods - its always evolving and we're learning on the job so jump in and bring your ideas!

Shout out to these folks alongside who we're learning all about Assemblies here and across our Global Family!

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Why a Mutiny?

"an open rebellion against the 'proper' authorities"

To make it clear, we aren't looking for trouble - we're just getting together, working out how to solve our problems and getting on with it. The problem comes when the 'proper' authorities - busy trashing our mental health, our town, our world, etc. - want us to keep calm and carry on... but we say no, we aren't going to be another generation who you can bully into silence!

Burkina Faso



And we aren't alone - all around the world youth and their communities are rising up!

It's when we say no that we'll have a fight on our hands - a fight over who has the right to govern - the People or the so-called 'Proper Authorities' - and as we've seen throughout history the people who have put themselves in charge want to stay there. So its up to us to get creative, get powerful and get organised not to 'ask nicely' but to simply start building our own world.


Now what the first steps on that road are we can't tell you - that's for us all to walk together - so fill in the Survey, help us Spread the Word, get to the Assembly and get ready for a Mutiny - its our time now, lets move!

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