Dear Radical friends,
We hope you’ve had a month full of fascinating things and good weather! Since the last newsletter, we’ve been up to quite a lot - it’s been pretty energising.
The Movement School kicked things off a couple of weeks ago with their first people’s assembly - supported by guest speakers Kofi Mawuli Klu and Gail Bradbrook, we brought a bunch of youth activists from different groups together to discuss the question “what are the radical educational needs of this generation of youth activists?”, delving into what it means to be a youth activist right now, what we want to learn as activists, what we want to teach others, and what we’d want to see in a radical educational space when it is made into a reality. The takeaways from this discussion will be woven into the DNA of the future space, putting vision into action!
On another note, earlier this month, we got a bunch of friends together to test out a new workshop called “Dissonance to Disobedience”. There was an amazing energy around meeting in person again, and we spent almost 5 hours together working through our ideas around what’s fucked in the world, what it means to move away from dissonance, what true disobedience really means to us. This involved a lot of chatting and post-it notes everywhere (it’s so good to stick stuff on walls again!!!), and people really got to know each other more, which was wicked. For the second half of the workshop, we invited everyone to set aside all inhibitions, cynicism and practical constraints by getting together in groups to invent creative disobedient actions which tackled pieces of dissonance that we had uncovered. We came up with 3 bold, playful ideas, and ended the day with high energy and motivation. After check-outs, we headed down to the Kill the Bill protest together.
We’re hoping to take this stuff further over the summer - our plan is to start making ZINES (radical little magazines) and podcasts about our ideas around schooling, youth, imagination, and disobedience. We’re also using this time to decide where to go next with the plans we’ve collated this year, and where we’re going to be putting our energy in the Autumn.
Right now, the support we’d like to ask of you all is in helping us find donations so that we can support our work - the money we’ve been given so far has been used for books, food for gatherings, living expenses for our team, and is
lective with some of the radical adults you know, then please do!! It’s massively appreciated and really does make our projects all the more possible.
Love and solidarity,
The RR Team