We've been given items made by the Organised Women of Peru, to sell for Christmas gifts here. The full listings are below, here is their story.
The FENMUCARINAP (La Federación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas, Artesanas, Indígenas, Nativas y Asalariadas del Perú ) is the largest women's union in Peru, bringing together 126,000 landworkers, crafters, indigenous and working women to resist violence in Peru. Together they work to empower and strengthen their capacities in the social, economic, political and environmental fields for the defense of individual and collective rights, as well as the social recovery and revaluing their ancestral and cultural knowledge.
Their President, Lourdes Huanca Atencio, has been forced to leave Peru due to mounting danger to her life as a result of her organising. She is moving from place to place at the moment to spread awareness and action for the Women of Peru. Soon she may have to return to Peru, at which point her safety will be in danger. We will all need to be watching as part of the PRIO - the People's Reparatory Internationalist Observatory - to ensure the government feel the pressure of our gaze. Watch this space, because we must be ready to respond for Lourdes and for the FENMUCARINAP.
For now though, she is still travelling and earlier this year she was in London, meeting with our Siblings at Somos Semillas, the popular education institution for the diaspora of Abya Yala.
While there, she passed on garments made by the women of FENMUCARINAP, to help fund her journey while she can't return home. Below are the ones that were given to us and the prices, beautifully soft and handmade, they'll make perfect Christmas gifts.
If you want to buy any of the items below, please email us at theryse@riseup.net or message 07983127102. We will also have them for sale in person at our Friends of the RYSE event at the Trinity Room, 6pm on Wednesday the 20th of December.

We salute the work of the FENMUCARINAP for women and indigenous peoples' liberation.