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  • Writer's pictureThe RYSE Team

RYSE is backing Mutiny: Stroud's Youth Assembly!

Lots of you will have seen us sharing a load of info about Stroud's awesome new Youth Assembly - aptly named Mutiny - and the powerful start they've made to really articulating the wants and needs of Stroud's Youth. We're even currently hosting their website so if you haven't seen much then click here!

And we wanted to tell you about all the Radical Education sessions we've co-designed with the Mutiny crew to help upskill the young folks getting involved and kickstart their work. This is all part of us having signed their Declaration of Support and working to help achieve the Mutiny Manifesto!

Running all month these sessions, which are open to all Stroudies aged 13-25, are the best way to learn more and get involved - here they are:

We are all Crew: the Culture of Mutiny - We're organising our Mutiny as a Crew and that means we look out for each other. That we ask each other to be brave, to work to be powerful and lots more - this session is all about the ways we're building a new culture and way of being - AKA Crew Culture!

The How and Why of Assemblies - We're organising our Mutiny around Assemblies - but no, not the sit-in-rows, listen-to-the-teacher, sing-hymns-until-you-die-of-boredom kind of Assembly... These are the change-the-world, build-community-from-the-ground-up-and-kick-ass kind of Assemblies!

Direct Action and Theories of Change - So how does change actually happen? Well the simple answer is in many many ways and luckily there is loads we can learn from how folks have made change in the past - so join us to start exploring the powerful world of Movement Theory!

Imperialism: how does it relate to us? - So with Mutiny what are we really up against? Well in short: Imperialism - a world system of domination so violent and exploiting that its literally killing life on Earth... this one won't be all smiles but it'll help this mad world actually make sense!

How to be a Good Older! - We love organising across generations, but like all power dynamics it comes with its challenges. Join us to unpack the joys, challenges and hopeful future of intergenerational organising in Stroud!

  • Session Dates - Mon 9th - Weds 25th - and obviously this one is open to ALL AGES!

These are designed to cover the core elements of Mutiny's Story, Strategy, Structure and Culture and help new organisers and the communtiy understand the power that the Assembly is really trying to build. They're all free of course and so please do come through to find our more and get involved in building true democratic Youth and Communtiy Power in Stroud! See you there!


To finish we as always want to shout out PRALER - the Planet Repairs Action Learning Educational Revolution - the powerful internationalist process that we at the RYSE are part of - a process that everyone can and should register interest if you want to learn more about Planet Repairs!

And as always, buzz us any reflections on this through our email ( or on the Insta - love and power family, onwards!

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